Miyerkules, Enero 31, 2018

Timeless: Lourdes Duque Barron

They say you can be whatever you want no matter your age is, and at 68 it seems that is what US Based singer and...

Lunes, Enero 29, 2018

Vivo Prides Itself for Innovations in Stonewall Security Features

A lot of modern smartphones are adopting biometric security features in an effort to gather more users and patrons...

Hit Vietnamese Romance Movie “The Girl from Yesterday” Coming to PH Cinemas February 14

Co Gai Den Tu Hom Qua or The Girl from Yesterday has been acquired by Rafaella Films...

FDCP supports Filipino Films at the International Film Festival Rotterdam

Five (5) Filipino films are featured this year at the International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) in Netherlands...

Linggo, Enero 28, 2018

Why Loisa Andalio, Maris Racal, Inigo Pascual, and Chienna Filomeno trust the Vivo brand

Vivo, a smartphone brand known the world over, introduces its newest brand influencers composed of fresh faces from...

Sabado, Enero 27, 2018

Aiai Delas Alas stages Ai ❤ U concert this Valentines Day

The Comedy Concert Queen is back on the concert scene as she is set to stage another Valentines Day concert with Piolo...

Uncovering the secrets of Vivo’s success in 2017

There was just no stopping Vivo this 2017. The global smartphone brand proved to be the fastest growing in terms of...

Huwebes, Enero 25, 2018

Sunpiology Resolution Run Raises Over 5 Million for Charity

Sun Life Financial Philippines opened the year by rallying Filipinos towards health and wellness while raising over...

Miyerkules, Enero 24, 2018

Cine Lokal takes you to the future with Instalado

The future of intelligence and thought takes center stage with Instalado which screens in Cine Lokal starting...

Teaser: Buy Bust

Anne Curtis is back on the big screen as she stars in the much anticipated action packed movie "Buy Bust", directed by...

Amnesia Love

After the success of Trip Ubusan and WonderBeki last year, Paolo Ballesteros is back again on the big screen this...
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