Huwebes, Disyembre 16, 2021

Michael Ver: The New Gen Pageant King

Last time we welcomed the month of December with getting to know the Athletic side of Michael Ver, from him being a national athlete for the Modern Pentathlon that requires him to be fit and be in the gym, working his body out as he is competing in a five event sports.  

This time from being an athlete, we will get to know more of Michael being that model and pageant king. It is undeniable that Michael has that good looks, with that well chiseled athletic body, being that tall, dark, and handsome, plus that electrifying million-watt smile. Who wouldn’t turn their heads for this Waray that has represented his home town of Ormoc City in his recent pageants so well.  

Michael started out joining pageants when he was in high school, but he shared that when he was just 16 years old and was just starting out, he was denied because he was still short and was even told to come back when he gets taller, and low and behold two years after, puberty hits hard for Michael as he grew tall and more handsome, he even won in his first ever pageant in 2018.  

In 2019, he joined his first national pageant which is the Mister Grand Philippines where he was able to won as the Mister Icon World, but sadly he wasn’t able to compete in the pageant due to its schedule that conflicts with the South East Asian games.  

Just last December 4, Michael competed in the Mister Grand International that was held in Panama, but again he wasn’t able to come to Panama because of the strict border control. He was allowed to compete virtual in the pageant and was able to won several awards and was able to finish in the top 10 of the pageant, he was actually one of the front runners to win the crown that time.  

Michael hinted that he is not yet finished in joining pageants and at 21, with his 5’11” frame added with his perfectly even tanned skin tone, good looks, and that very charming personality, he is just waiting for the right pageant to join in. 

In our next feature, we get to talk to Michael if he has any plans of joining showbizness, being compared to Richard Gomez, and is he willing to go all out if he is given a shot to stardom

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